Monthly Archives: December 2014

You Have To Solve a Sliding Puzzle To Change Lenses On This iPhone Case

By Andrew Liszewski

You Have To Solve a Sliding Puzzle To Change Lenses On This iPhone Case

If you’ve come to rely on your smartphone as your primary camera, you’ve probably found yourself frustrated at its lack of zoom or even macro capabilities. Clip-on lenses can vastly improve its capabilities, and taking a cue from those sliding puzzle games that have you re-arranging tiles to form an image, the …

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Where Samsung’s true battle lies in 2015: Emerging markets

By Shara Tibken The Korean electronics giant isn’t giving up on high-end smartphones, but it needs to figure out how to fend off competition from companies producing cheaper devices.

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A Brief History of the Movie Rating System

By Matt Blitz –

A Brief History of the Movie Rating System

When you were a kid, sneaking into a rated R movie was a big deal. Everyone had their own tricks, but this author’s was to buy a ticket to a rated G Disney movie, say, Mulan; when the usher turned their back, I would run into a rated R movie like, for example American History X. But it wasn’t always this way – not kids sneaking into movies deemed only for adults, but rather the movie rating system. There was a time when movies didn’t have ratings. So how did we get from there to the current system?

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Samsung’s New Speakers Are Basically Portal Guns

By Sean Hollister

Samsung's New Speakers Are Basically Portal Guns

Samsung says these fancy wireless speakers were created at a “state-of-the-art audio lab in Valencia, California.” We know better. They’re clearly the product of Aperture Science, the secret think tank responsible for a hilarious murderous artificial intelligence, not to mention one hell of a teleportation tool.

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