Category Archives: News

These Are the Only Cables Coming Out of Samsung’s New Tv

By Alex Cranz

The idea is so simple it’s kind of amazing no TV maker thought of it before. Mounting a TV on the wall should, theoretically, look gorgeous, but the tangle of cords jutting out of the back of the TV, pushing it away from the wall and then dangling down to wherever the cable box, PS4, and Wii U reside, is ugly. So…

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Greet the New Year With January’s Must-Read Scifi and Fantasy Books 

By Cheryl Eddy on io9, shared by Rob Bricken to Gizmodo

It’s a new year, so it’s time to add some new books to your shelf, too. January brings a bumper crop of science fiction and fantasy, with a little bit of horror thrown in for good measure. After all, who knows what lies ahead for 2017? We certainly don’t, but we highly recommend you have plenty of reading material to keep you company.

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The Stupidly Expensive June Oven Is Actually Stupidly Amazing

By Alex Cranz

The June Oven is a super smart countertop convection oven. There’s a camera built in that watches the food cook and can correctly identify what food you put in, helpfully supplying cooking modes; Wi-Fi so you can connect to the app to watch your food cook, adjust temperature, or even take set a reminder to take food out; and carbon fiber heating elements that intelligent heat depending on the food so food always comes out evenly cooked. It’s all powered with an Nvidia chip making it the smartest oven you’ve ever used.

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