V-Play Game Engine: Release 2.12.0: Qt 5.9 & Qt Creator 4.3 Support

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V-Play 2.12.0 adds support for Qt 5.9 and the latest Qt Creator 4.3. Qt 5.9 adds many great features like support for gamepads and 3D key frame animations. Qt Creator 4.3 adds a much improved design mode, which allows you to write QML code side-by-side with a visual representation of the code. This allows rapid prototyping of UIs.

V-Play 2.12.0 Improvements

V-Play is now compatible with Qt 5.9 and Qt Creator 4.3, which adds an improved QML Designer. The biggest benefit of the new QML Designer is the new live preview of your QML code. You can have your UI side-by-side with QML code, which allows to further accelerate the development process.

Some of the V-Play components now also support the QML Designer and visual development. The supported components include GameWindow, App, Scene, Page, NavigationStack and also most of the other components are working. With this improvement, you can now adjust component properties with a nice visual editor.

Other improvements of this V-Play release:

  • You can use an improved icon-font handling within games and apps and use the latest FontAwesome version 4.7.0 with the IconType component.
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  • With the AppButton::textFont property, you can now access and modify all font properties of the text within AppButton.
  • The Component Showcase Demo App configuration for ios/Project-Info.plist now includes the NSContactsUsageDescription entry, which is required for NativeUtils::storeContacts() since iOS 10.
  • Use the new Dialog::autoSize property to decide whether the dialog uses a fixed height or a dynamic height based on the Items you add as dialog content.
  • Incorrect warning for publish builds about using DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS is no longer displayed when QRC is actually used instead. This is relevant when protecting your source code for published apps.

Qt 5.9 Improvements for Mobile App Development

Qt 5.9 added many improvements and was shipped on time. This indicates that the new CI system The Qt Company is now be using yields great results. These are our favorite Qt 5.9 improvements, with a focus for mobile app or game development:

Qt 3D: Animations, Physics Based Rendering (PBR), Level of Detail

Qt 3D got a lot better with the Qt 5.9 release. These are our highlights:

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